Government programs are rarely a good solution. When implemented well and in good faith, at best, they are neutral. They are still subject to abuse by the corrupt. The larger the government the more hiding places for the corrupt. Unfortunately, in the US, well meaning fools have a long tradition of electing the corrupt on both sides of the aisle and at every level of government.

For over a century Republicans and Democrats have expanded the power of government into all aspects of our lives. The worst of these abuses frequently occur in ghettos. These poverty enclaves may be setup by the well meaning but commonly end up being havens for both criminal and government(1) predation. The courts routinely shield those that abuse the powers the government has granted itself.

Authoritarian regimes typically have 3 end states. In socialism, the government ends up owing everything including the businesses. Military dictatorships are another common end state for authoritarian governments. The final end state is for businesses to own the governments. None of these are ideal from a humanitarian or liberty stand point.

1 - I realize in some circles this statement is viewed as containing redundancy.